
June 18, 2010

Yellow-Eyed Red Mackerel Tabby Insolent Cat

Ha! I can come to you as close as possible.
And I’m not afraid of your camera and your white cat!
Although… maybe I must go outside… In that basement window…

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  1. He's very cute! Love the expression on his face in #3! It looks really quite warm there at the moment! Is that a bit of sensitive skin I see around his mouth? Hope he's ok!!!
    Lots of purrrrs

  2. #3 looks like impudent face for me :-).
    And I think he just smeared his snout with something. He’s OK now, I guess… I see him everytime, I visit my grandma… He’s her neighbor’s cat ;-).

  3. #3 looks like impudent face for me :-).
    And I think he just smeared his snout with something. He’s OK now, I guess… I see him everytime, I visit my grandma… He’s her neighbor’s cat ;-).
